[OS X TeX] Reference managers

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Wed Oct 24 16:54:42 EDT 2007

Adam R. Maxwell <amaxwell at mac.com> 07-10-24 13:39

>>>Use BibDesk and forget everything else. Simply one of the best apps
>>>on the Mac (and on any other OS).
>>Well, there are different tastes ... as far as I can see there are
>>only two to select from ...
>Papers, Bookends, EndNote, and Sente all support BibTeX to varying
>degrees. What are you looking for that BibDesk doesn't have?  We're
>always interested in making it suck less ;).

It's the same as the last time I was looking, there isn't 
actually any features that is missing, BibDesk does all what I need.

My "problem" is that the GUI doesn't "click" for me, I can't 
really explain it but there is something there that doesn't work 
for me. It's probably just a personal thing (like everybody now 
talks about Textmate, a nice editor but I like BBEdit better, or 
that I really like Voodopad but haven't actually found any use 
for it, or that I prefer Interarchy to Fetch/Transmit etc).

Jan Erik Moström, www.mostrom.pp.se

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