[OS X TeX] Textures (Universal binary) is now in beta
fstengel at mac.com
Tue Sep 4 14:37:55 EDT 2007
Le 4 sept. 07 à 19:00, Bruno Voisin a écrit :
> The two things that I found most inconvenient in the editor:
> - The absence of wrapping functionality, either soft or hard.
> Having neither wrap-as-you-go nor wrap-selected-text, and being
> forced instead to introduce manual end-of-lines, was annoying.
> - Something I hadn't realized I had got used to: spell check. I
> hadn't realized it, but after years of use of TeXShop, Mail and
> other similar OS X applications, I had got used to see typos
> underlined in red immediately. It would be nice to be able to use
> the standard OS X spell check functionality in Textures, and even
> better to use CocoAspell (so that the spell check would be LaTeX-
> aware).
Why not use Textures with TeXShop as an external editor? Every time
you save the document, it is typeset with textures. I concede it is
not as nice as Flash, but at least you have all the niceties of
TeXShop's editor (wrapping, syntax colouring, spell checking etc)
combined with Texture's speed.
If Textures, at one moment in the future, is able to spell check
using the spellcheck services (possible if Textures is carbon or
cocoa), then cocoaspel should work...
Frank STENGEL (fstengel<at>mac.com)
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