[OS X TeX] Re: Hide temporary files created by TeXShop

Dr. Clea F. Rees cfrees at imapmail.org
Mon Sep 17 19:58:59 EDT 2007

I have looked for an answer to this and been unable to find it. If I've
just looked in the wrong places, I'd appreciate directions.

What is the recommended way of removing an old tetex installation
without disturbing current installations?

I had tetex installed using i-Installer, together with extra files in
/usr/local/tetex/share/texmf.local (ignoring capital letters).

I then installed the texlive distribution from MacTeX and the gwtex
distribution - partly from MacTeX and partly using i-Installer. I kep
tetex in case of problems so I'd have a working fall-back. I'm now
confident I've got everything I need elsewhere and would like to
uninstall everything in the tetex directory.

I can take care of the additions I made, but I'm wondering about the 
best way to uninstall things installed using i-Installer. I can't 
simply do it from within i-Installer because some of the relevant 
iPackages have been updated for the gwtex install - and I don't want 
to uninstall _those_ versions. I could simply remove the entire 
directory under tetex, but I know symbolic links exist elsewhere to 
this and I'm not sure how to make sure everything is done tidily.

I'm very comfortable with the command-line so a CLI solution is fine if
that's the easiest way to do it.



Dr. Clea F. Rees

cfrees at imapmail.org

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