Re: [OS X TeX] Font rendering in TeXShop, TextMate…

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Dec 29 05:53:01 EST 2008

Am 29.12.2008 um 10:52 schrieb Serge Cohen:

> It is still not a great solution, but at least it's faster than  
> rebooting the machine or exiting the session… Although so far I've  
> always quitted the faulty PDF viewing application before killing  
> the font server, maybe it will just need a refresh of the PDF  
> window ???

No, you'll also need to restart the applications. They are using and  
referencing particular objects. These were provided by the killed  
server. It's unlikely that the new server will use the same IDs for  
them – although the command line utility ftxinstalledfonts from  
Apple's Font Tools suite displays "font IDs" ... (A computer or a  
software does not need sorted lists and such human things. It behaves  
best when it works on hashes, i.e., a staple of random numbers  
pointing to the real objects behind the numbers.)

What I have seen when I deactivated fonts while an application was  
using them, is that the application loaded a substitute. This works  
OK because OT and TT fonts provide information about themselves that  
can used to determine a close match. What I encountered when  
ATSServer died, in early Tiger and in Panther, is that the system  
became rather unusable, a complete chaos of fonts in running  
applications. (I don't remember how newly launched applications  
behaved.) Maybe this behaviour was improved in Leopard.



$ sumascii BILL GATES
   B   I   L   L   G   A   T   E   S
  66+ 73+ 76+ 76+ 71+ 65+ 84+ 69+ 83 = 663

  and add 3 because he's Bill Gates the third.

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