[OS X TeX] FSA via TikZ

Art Werschulz agw at comcast.net
Tue Dec 30 19:40:33 EST 2008


I'm asymptotically approaching what I want here.  However, I have one  
problem with the following example:


   \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=1in,on grid,auto,
     initial text=]
     \node[state,initial]      (q1)               {$q_1$};
     \node[state,accepting]    (q2) [right=of q1] {$q_2$};
     \node[state]              (q3) [right=of q2] {$q_3$};
     (q1) edge [loop above] node {0} ()
     edge node {1} (q2)
     (q2) edge [loop above] node {1} ()
     edge node [above right] {1} (q3)
     (q3) edge node [below left] {0,1} (q2);

This gives a double-arrow from q2 to q3; the top is labelled with 0  
and the bottom is labelled with 0,1.
I want two arrows: one from q2 to q3, labelled with 0, and one from q3  
to q2, labelled with 0,1.

How does one make this happen?


Art Werschulz
207 Stoughton Avenue, Cranford  NJ 07016-2838
(908) 272-1146

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