[OS X TeX] Date on top of graphic

Alan Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Sat Feb 2 20:37:14 EST 2008

Hi Richard,

On 3/02/2008, at 2:13 PM, Richard J Benish wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> Many thanks for the suggestions.
> \nodate in the preamble brings up an error.

Sorry my mistake. Use \date{} instead.

> Here's a link to the graphic:
> http://www.gravitationlab.com/Grav%20Lab%20Links/SGM-Radial-Fall-Feb-2-08-1.pdf

Where is the stray 3?


Alan Litchfield GradDipBus, MBus(Hons), CTT, MNZCS
PO Box 1941, Auckland, NZ. 1140

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