[OS X TeX] (no subject)

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Tue Feb 26 18:32:56 EST 2008

At 6:23 PM -0500 2/26/08, Gary L. Gray wrote:
>On Feb 26, 2008, at 6:10 PM, Alan Munn wrote:
>>At 10:39 PM +0000 2/26/08, Marco Belleschi wrote:
>>>I'm using TexShop for my master thesis. If I 
>>>insert the package subfigure in the preamble I 
>>>get the following error
>>>! LaTeX Error: Command \c at lofdepth already defined.
>>>               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
>>>See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
>>>Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>>>l.124 \newcounter{lofdepth}
>>>This is the preamble I'm using
>>>\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
>>You'll need to give more details than this.  We 
>>don't have access to your documentclass kth-mag 
>>nor to the package nada-ex.
>>The best way to debug this is to keep removing 
>>packages until the error goes away.  (For 
>>example, it's unlikely that any of the ams 
>>packages are the cause, so get rid of them 
>>etc.) Then at least you'll know what the 
>>conflict is. If  you can then post this 
>>smallest example that causes the error, perhaps 
>>we can help.  Can you post a link to the 
>>document class you are using?
>I have been trying to help him on the TeXShop 
>forum and I it would have been helpful if he 
>posted some of what I discovered. First of all, 
>the kth-mag class uses memoir and it appears to 
>me that the issue is with memoir. If I try 
>typesetting just the following:
>I get the error he describes. This is odd 
>because the memoir documentation specifically 
>mentions that it supports the subfigure package. 
>In fact, the author mentions that there was a 
>clash at one time and that it has been fixed 
>(first a subfigure option was needed and then he 
>states that even that is no longer needed).
>At this point I am stumped since what I show 
>above is, I think, supposed to work.

This is the solution.  Sorry I'm posting on two different threads...



Alan Munn 
amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                                 
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824      Tel.  +1-517-355-7491

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