[OS X TeX] svnX and Leopard [OT]

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 11:22:57 EDT 2008

On Jun 17, 2008, at 4:30 AM, Rolf Schmolling wrote:

> Hi,
> 1) if the svn-book is too much check out this: http:// 
> betterexplained.com/articles/a-visual-guide-to-version-control/

Just what I needed!

> 2) Even better: look at this site, which provides a very nice easy  
> step-by-step explanation how to set up a repository on one's own  
> computer, which (for the first time!) made it possible for me to  
> create and manage a svn-repository.
> "Subversion for writers" at http://strangenoises.org/subversion-for- 
> writers/

Indeed, even better! I can just see myself getting started!

> he too recommends the svn-plugin, which works allright (creation of  
> the repository still needs the command-line) but it tends to attach  
> its icons to all new folders etc. OUTSIDE my working copy…


> 3) Another excellent GUI-tool to work with svn-repositories is  
> Zigversion at http://zigversion.com/
> which is free for academic and non-commercial use. Doesn't look as  
> polished as Versions

By the way, and that I could see, Versions has a Beta expiring July  
31 but doesn't mention whether it will be for sale and for how much.

> but works well. There is a good short video to explain how to use it.
> Again for creation of repositories one would need the Terminal first.

As long as there is something to hold my hand as in "Subversion for  
writers", I think I can manage it.


1) Boy am I glad this list tolerates off topics.

2) "Math always came easy to me" department: For my part, I have  
always wondered what future mathematicians' very first thoughts were  
like at the time of their very first contact with matters  
mathematical. I made my career on trying to re-imagine the kind of  
worries one has when starting into mathematics. (I don't mean the  
memorizing how to do it kind.)
Then I got on the other side of the gun when starting to learn LaTeX:  
everybody was so good in LaTeX it seemed they had always been that  
way. Nobody seemed to remember the way they had been when they were  
just about to start. Just like mathematicians. Which is what  
infuriated me and caused me to write the stuff in PracTeX. Then, …
Anyway, all this to say how immensely I appreciate stuff like  
"Subversion for writers" and "a-visual-guide-to-version-control" (and  
that quite independently of my own needs).

Very, very grateful regards

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