Fwd: [OS X TeX] Texmaker

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Sun Mar 16 15:39:51 EDT 2008

At 6:54 PM +0100 3/16/08, Christoph Hoh wrote:
>Dear list members,
>it seems that I have exactly the same problem as Tamer had some time ago.
>Obviously, he could solve the problem by copying an up-to-date 
>version of ps2pdf to his MacTeX installation.
>I'd like to do the same, but I don't know HOW to do it: [Install v. 
>8.6 of Ghostscript]
>1. WHERE can I find the actual version of Ghostscript/ps2pdf?

Theoretically, these parts of MacTeX depend on Gerbeb Wierda's 
distribution, which can be updated using i-installer (which should 
have been installed when you installed MacTeX.)  However, Gerben only 
has gs version 8.57 on his i-package directory, which might not solve 
your problem.  [ An aside, (aimed at others reading this): On my 
system, i-installer reports that I have the most up-to-date package, 
(which should be gs v. 8.57) but my gs version returns v. 8.54.  Does 
anyone else see a similar discrepancy? ]

It's not hard, however, to build your own version of gs if you're not 
averse to using the command line and have the Developer Tools 
installed. (If you don't have Developer Tools installed you will need 
to install it first from the Installation DVD that came with your 
computer or the CDs from the your most recent full version of OS X 
that you have.)

Here's the link


Download GPL Ghostscript 8.62  (The file is: ghostscript-8.62.tar.bz2)

Open a terminal window and change directory to wherever you 
downloaded.  (Assume it's the Desktop)

$ cd ~/Desktop
$ tar -xjvf ghostscript-8.62.tar.bz2
$ cd ghostscript-8.62
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

And you're done.  (Note: each phase (and especially the 'make' phase) 
will take a while to complete.)

>2. HOW can I integrate the newer version of Ghostscript/ps2pdf into 
>my MacTeX installation (installed in July 2007)?

There is no specific integration needed.  Installation of gs will 
just work with anything that needs it.


Note: tested only on a PPC running 10.4.11, but should work on other 
machines and Leopard (can someone confirm this?)

Alan Munn 
amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                             
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824       Tel.  +1-517-355-7491

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