[mactex-support] [OS X TeX] Ghostscript 8.62

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon May 12 14:32:42 EDT 2008

Am 12.05.2008 um 14:01 schrieb Bob Kerstetter:

> There are universal binaries available from the ImageMagick web site:
> http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#macosx
> I don't know if these would be useable in some way, or if building  
> is better.

They don't look that useful ... you would need to set  
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH – and I don't know whether other programmes and  
applications would be happy with this setting! (On my PowerPC based  
Tiger Mac the binaries don't work. What they really can do fine is,  
creating big core files. I was cheating a bit, telling them to use  
the libraries from the Fink installation ...)



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