[OS X TeX] Float Placement

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat May 17 04:42:28 EDT 2008

Am 17.05.2008 um 04:58 schrieb Richard J Benish:

> I have a float (a pdf figure) that takes up about two thirds of the  
> height of a two column page. When I place it in the desired column,  
> however, text above and below the float disappears, leaving a lot  
> of unwanted blank space.

Did you think of cropping the PDF image? There might be some space  
above/below the picture on the PDF *page* ...

> In the "LaTeX Companion" I see that commands such as \intextsep may  
> correct the problem, but I don't find any specific examples, so  
> it's not clear exactly what to enter and where.

The documentation of the epslatex package, ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex- 
archive/info/epslatex.pdf, describes this dimension. The file  
describes how to work with the caption and subfig packages and also  
explains a lot of other dimensions.



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