[OS X TeX] Landscape mode

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat May 24 14:58:48 EDT 2008

Am 24.05.2008 um 20:13 schrieb Dan Roscigno:

> To use landscape orientation, add the -t landscape option to dvips.

Not really. Page 12 of geometry's manual.pdf:

	5.5 Drivers
	Package geometry supports dvips, dvipdfm, pdflatex and VTEX  
environment. These driver options are exclusive.
	†3 dvips writes the paper size in dvi output with the \special  
macro. If you use dvips as a
	DVI-to-PS driver, for example, to print a document with
	\geometry{a3paper,landscape} on A3 paper in landscape orientation,  
you don’t
	need options “-t a3 -t landscape” to dvips. In version 3, this  
option sets an
	additional correction for landscape documents so that PostScript  
outputs shouldn’t be
	displayed upside down by PostScript viewers, e.g., Ghostscript. If  
you use VTEX
	environment or pdflatex command, this option is automatically  
deselected and changed to
	the corresponding driver option. This option works with xdvi and  
dviout (though you
	may get some warnings).
	dvipdfm works like dvips except landscape correction.
	pdftex sets \pdfpagewidth and \pdfpageheight properly if pdflatex  
command is used for
	typeset. When pdflatex command is used, pdftex is automatically  
selected. On the other
	hand when one is not using pdflatex command this option is ineffective.



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