[OS X TeX] OT: OS X 10.5.3

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at ensmp.fr
Wed May 28 15:33:16 EDT 2008

Le 28 mai 08 à 21:08, Simon Spiegel a écrit :

> On 28.05.2008, at 19:50, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:
>> to continue this---I suppose that xpdf will handle the fonts  
>> correctly, given that it doesn't use Apple's font handling---does  
>> anyone know how to install this w/o using fink or darwinports?
> 10.5.3 has just been released, and judging from first tests it  
> seems like this annoying bug has indeed been fixed. Yieehaaa!
> simon

I would appreciate as much feedback on this as (personnally) this  
issue is the only one that keeps me from switching to leopard...


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