[OS X TeX] eps figure into document

Maarten Sneep maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl
Tue Nov 4 14:23:51 EST 2008

On 4 nov 2008, at 20:16, Caitlyn Phillips wrote:

> Ok, I think for whatever reason I had changed it to Plain TeX, it  
> works now tho.
> I reinstalled the ghostscript and just ran the document and it looks  
> like it worked fine.  But just to be sure, after installing  
> ghostscript is there anything I need to do?

You said you tried the Apple distiller, are you sure you reverted that  
TeXShop setting back to the default? Otherwise you're not using  
ghostscript at all.

You coud run the which commands I gave earlier to double check, but  
that's about it.


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