[OS X TeX] eps figure into document

Maarten Sneep maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl
Tue Nov 4 16:58:25 EST 2008

On 4 nov 2008, at 22:57, Caitlyn Phillips wrote:

> Yes, I switched back to the ghostscript after I installed it.
> For the first which command:
> 	usr/local/bin/gs
> 2nd which command:
> 	/usr/local/bin/ps2pdf
> And for the third which command it didn't return anything, is this a  
> problem?

Does TeXShop run without a problem? if so, you or I probably  
introduced a typo somewhere, and then there is no problem.

I get:
which ps2pdf13

And this is the command that previously returned an error (see your  
first message in the archives).



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