[OS X TeX] TeXshop - preview jumping after typeset

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Nov 10 10:22:46 EST 2008

On Nov 7, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Warren Nagourney wrote:

> My concern about speed is in part due to the fact that TeXtures on  
> both a G5 and the latest Intel Mac takes about 1 second to typeset  
> the entire TeXbook. I realize that TeXtures is carefully optimized  
> on both architectures, but my 200 page document takes about 20 to 30  
> seconds to typeset. My book is somewhat simpler than the TeXbook (so  
> far).  The speed is very sensitive to the number of apps open - with  
> a completely "clean plate" (no apps running), the typeset time can  
> be a little as 10 seconds or so and this time can treble if I have a  
> number of apps open. This suggests memory management issues, which  
> inspired my question about caches or a ram disk. (I have 1 Gb of ram).


Add more RAM. 1GB of RAM will definitely slow your computer because of  
lots of swapping. I'd use at least 2GB and 4GB if possible. You'll  
notice the difference right away.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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