[OS X TeX] Building Asymptote with OpenGL support

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Nov 11 06:15:01 EST 2008

Am 11.11.2008 um 03:39 schrieb Robert Love:

> I get lots
> Undefined symbols:
>   "_glMatrixMode", referenced from:
>       _trRasterPos3f in tr.o
>       _trRasterPos3f in tr.o

Do you mean at runtime?

There is a possible check:

	otool -L <path to asy>

This will list all shared libraries (.dylib) that the system provides  
for those asy needs, is linked to. Do you see  difference between the  
returned and list and where the GL related shared libraries reside?  
This could explain why the functions used are taken from the wrong,  
the elder library that misses some functions.

The environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH could help to find the  
proper dylib, it can also cause trouble for other applications, so  
it's better to wrap it into a shell script. When it's called asy and  
the original programme is renamed to asy.orig and called from the  
shell script, then all will work as before, including the fix of  
undefined symbols.

The otool invocation could also profit from DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:

	env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<your correction> otool -L <path to asy>

To prevent failures of finding the incorrect dylib, it could help to  
use the LDFLAGS environment variable at configure time:

	env LDFLAGS="-L<path to directory of GL libs> -L/usr/local/lib  
[...]" ./configure ...

The sequence of the directories given with -L is used by gcc to find  
the dylibs named by -l<whatever>.



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