[OS X TeX] Some minor problems in TS

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Nov 21 10:13:41 EST 2008

On Nov 19, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> On Nov 19, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Warren Nagourney wrote:
>> 1. When using a root file, the "Goto Error" button doesn't work. It  
>> goes to the line in the root file (which is inappropriate).
> I had always thought this was, if unfortunately, necessarily the case.
>> 2. The keytroke CMD-Shift-L for typesetting works erratically with  
>> a root file - sometimes it tries to typeset the topmost (not root)  
>> file and at other times it correctly typesets the root file.
> For me—Version 2.10beta8 (210) on 10-4-11, CMD-t works from the root  
> file as well as from the included files (with the scheme I mentioned  
> some time ago.)
>> This is also the case with the typeset button on non-root files.
> That also works including on non-root files
> Regards
> --schremmer


There was also a questions about removing aux files with distributed  

3. Is there any way to always automatically remove the .aux files
after an unsuccessful typeset?  I always get another error if I don't
remove them.

Under Trash AUX File in the TeXShop Help Panel:

... Sometimes more extensive cleanup is needed. For example, if a book  
is controlled by main.tex, and chapters are in subfolders accessed  
with commands like \include{chapter1/chapter1}, then typesetting the  
book will create main.aux, main.pdfsync, and main.log in the main  
folder, and chapter1.aux in the chapter1 folder.

The required extensive cleanup can be done by holding down the option  
key while choosing "Trash AUX Files." In this case:

	• "%!TEX root" and Root File information will be used to find the  
root document and its folder
	•  All files with appropriate extensions in this folder or any  
subfolder will be moved to the trash, regardless of the name of the file
There is a way to make this behavior the default behavior for "Trash  
AUX Files" even if the option key is not down:

defaults write TeXShop AggressiveTrashAUX YES

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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