[OS X TeX] Using LaTeX to write Greek and Arabic text
David Derbes
loki at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 21 14:39:47 EDT 2008
On Oct 21, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Salvatore Enrico Indiogine wrote:
> Alex:
> 2008/10/21 Alex Hamann <mailinglist at alex-hamann.de>:
>> For Greek:
>> use XeLaTeX for processing
> I installed MacTeX Live 2008. Will that do? Do I need anything in
> my preamble?
> Thanks,
> Enrico
In fact you don't have to use XeLaTeX. You can use the babel package.
Here's a snippet:
\documentclass[10 pt]{letter}
\languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko} %this allows accents
The root of the word ``physics" is the Greek word
(\emph{physis}), meaning ``nature''.
I am using the GFS Porson Greek font which I hope can be found at
CTAN. Some years ago it was available at the Greek Font Society; a
Greek mathematician very kindly provided versions that could be used
with LaTeX. You don't need this; it will work fine like this:
\documentclass[10 pt]{letter}
The root of the word ``physics" is the Greek word
\selectlanguage{greek}f'usis\selectlanguage{english} (\emph{physis}),
meaning ``nature''.
but the Greek characters are, in my opinion, not nearly so beautiful
as the GFS Porson.
On the other hand, it may be that for Arabic you will need XeLaTeX,
which is included with the standard MacTeX installation. I don't know
anything about Arabic.
David Derbes
U of Chicago Lab Schools
> --
> Enrico Indiogine
> Mathematics Education
> Texas A&M University
> Email: hindiogine at gmail.com
> Skype: hindiogine
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