[OS X TeX] Slow MacTeX 2008

David B. Thompson, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CFM drdbthompson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 09:17:58 EDT 2008

I recently downloaded and installed MacTeX 2008 from the TUG server.  
The installation went without any known hitch and I fixed a few  
fossils created by my modification to .profile to accommodate TeXlive  

So, here is my problem. The time from my click of the "Typeset" button  
(TeXShop 2.18) to the beginning of typesetting is about 25 seconds.  
Yes, I timed it.

My install of TeXlive 2007 loaded much quicker than this. The delay is  
long enough to be annoying when refreshing the rendered version of the  
document, sufficiently so to make a quick refresh to check coding and  
formatting untenable.

How do I begin the debugging process? I want to fix this before I do  
the install on my MacBook Pro.



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