[OS X TeX] BibTeX-Problem on Mac: couldn't open style file/ couldn't open database file

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Oct 29 22:07:48 EDT 2008

On Oct 29, 2008, at 7:46 PM, Justin C. Walker wrote:

>>>> I have them all inside a folder:
>>>> /Users/myUserName/downloads/test/
>>> It might work when you move (drag) the test directory (folder)  
>>> into /
>>> Users/myUserName/Library/texmf.
>> no it still doesn't work... same error:  :-(
> A really stupid question, just to clear something up: in what  
> directory did you put the .bst file?
> It seems that kpsewhich (and presumably the TeX commands in general)  
> are kind of persnickity about where they expect to find specific  
> kinds of files.
> If I put "fred.bst" into my local texmf tree (~/Library/texmf), I  
> get the following from kpsewhich
> ~/Library/texmf/bibtex      Not Found
> ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst  Found
> ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib  Not Found
> If I put "fred" (no ".bst") in either of those locations, it is not  
> found.
> Justin


The unsrt.bst file is part of MacTeX-2008 (TeX Live 2008) and is in  
the correct location; I'm able to compile the file(s) fine. I'm  
wondering whether the the full MacTeX is really installed, that's why  
I asked what the System Preferences->TeX Distribution preference pane  
said about the active distribution. It's also why I wondered what the  

echo $PATH

run in Terminal returned.

It the .bib files are in the same directory as the .tex file that  
should be ok also.

Also, what does

which bibtex

return in Terminal?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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