[OS X TeX] SyncTeX and Beamer
Jonathan Kew
jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Sat Sep 6 09:40:54 EDT 2008
On 6 Sep 2008, at 1:53 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:20 AM, Peter Vamos wrote:
>> At 16:51 -0600 5/9/08, Peter C. Lichtner wrote:
>>> On Sep 5, 2008, at 4:42 PM, Peter Vamos wrote:
>>>> Installed MacTeX 2008 10.5.4 on an Intel Mac without a hitch,
>>>> thank you Dick and all those involved.
>>>> Was curious to try out SyncTeX. Alas, it doesn't seem to work
>>>> with the Beamer class.
>>>> Specifically, it works from the source to the Preview as
>>>> advertised but command clicking in Preview will just highlight
>>>> the command \end{frame} for the appropriate frame. Switching back
>>>> to Search performs as before, and will, (usually) highlight the
>>>> relevant input in source.
>>> Works for me! Using the latest version of LaTeX and Beamer 3.07
>>> with MacOSX 10.5.4.
>>> ...Peter
>> Strange, same setup, I am using MacTeX 2008 which includes Beamer
>> 3.07. It is 2 against 1 at the moment. Are you sure that you are
>> using SyncTeX? Do you have the .SyncTex.gz auxiliary file generated
>> when you typeset? Correct settings in Preferences -> Misc ->
>> SyncTex? Are you testing Priview to source sync? Maybe we need more
>> people to try.
>> Peter
> Howdy,
> I see the same thing too; it always jumps to the \end{frame}. I
> believe this should be reported as a synctex bug but it may be how
> beamer encapsulates the frame.
See "SyncTeX and Beamer" at <http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/
Note that iTeXMac2 and TeXShop can use text search *in addition to*
the synctex data, and this may enable them to do better, but the
results could depend on the particular document (how searchable the
content is, what fonts are used, etc).
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