[OS X TeX] xelatexmk and fontspec

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Sun Sep 7 04:51:48 EDT 2008

On 7 Sep 2008, at 2:00 AM, Sam Cox wrote:

> I deleted all the files, re-ran the first case (first line = %!TEX  
> TS-program = xelatexmk), and got the same behavior - it ends w/o  
> making a pdf.  I am attaching the log file produced by xelatex.

This ends with the message

	Error 256 (driver return code) generating output;
	file cv-test.pdf may not be valid.

which indicates that the output driver (xdvipdfmx) failed.

To diagnose this, run

	xelatex -no-pdf cv-test.tex

to generate an .xdv file, and then run

	xdvipdfmx -E -vv cv-test.xdv

which will let you see lots of verbose messages from the driver, and  
will probably say why it fails. (My guess is that there's something  
odd about the font you're trying to use; xdvipdfmx can be picky about  
fonts if they don't strictly conform to the OpenType/TrueType specs.)


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