[OS X TeX] problem with komascript's pagestyle and texLive 2008
Alex Hamann
Alexander.Hamann at stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de
Sun Sep 28 14:44:58 EDT 2008
> Thanks for all the replies. Jonathan is right, it is to be typeset
> by XeLaTeX.
> Any ideas why this works with TeXLive 2007 but not with the more
> recent version?
> The combination of the this line in my source "Contextuals=
> {NoWordInitial, NoWordFinal, NoLineInitial, NoLineFinal, NoInner}"
> with pagestyle{scrpage2} seems to lead to the problem. As I have
> the latest KOMA-Script in my personal texmf tree it seems as if the
> problem does not come from changes in KOMA-Script but from the
> contextuals and thus fontspec, right?
> This is the output of the typesetting process:
(Seemingly) endless try-and-error resulted in this preamble that does
not lead to the segmentation fault with MacTex 2008 Basic when the
italic shape of Hoefler is invoked in the headings with scrpage2:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Hoefler Text}
{Hoefler Text Italic}
\ihead{\unfancy Essay}
\ohead{\unfancy Alexander Hamann}
it still seems weird that a segmentation fault happens when a shape
of Hoefler is invoked in the header that works perfectly fine in the
document's body. Even though my imminent problem is now solved I
wonder what is responsible for this.
Thanks to all who helped here.
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