[OS X TeX] Re: Tiff files - cause problems?

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Apr 22 13:31:09 EDT 2009

On Apr 22, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Itsme (Sophie) wrote:

> Bumplet?
> Is Tiff supposed to work with standard TexShop, or is there some add- 
> on which will make it work?
> I do a lot of copy/paste of screen shots and my app (Scrivener)  
> takes these in as tiff, and feeds that into the tex stream, so this  
> is messing me up quite a lot.
> Thanks - Sophie


Find attached a package tiftopng that, in conjunction with the convert  
part of ImageMagic (comes as part of the default install for MacTeX)  
will automatically convert tif->png (note: not tiff) if needed when  
using pdflatex. Try it; if it doesn't work make sure that you are  
using the --shell-escape option for pdflatex and try again.

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Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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