[OS X TeX] Beamer, columns within itemize

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Aug 28 11:02:56 EDT 2009

Am 28.08.2009 um 15:12 schrieb Oliver Buerschaper:

> totalwidth=⟨width⟩ will cause the columns to occupy not the  
> whole page width, but only ⟨width⟩, all told.

That's a reasonable thought, but \linewidth *is* the whole usable width.

> Also, the problem persists even without totalwidth set :-(

The problem is that two times 0.5\linewidth makes exactly \linewidth  
and then no space is left for separators and other spaces (my short  
"answer" was a bit misleading or not exact, sorry). I think what you  
want is produced by this:

         \item Fruit
                     Enter text into the left column
                     Enter text into the right column
         \item Vegetable

The words "left" and "right" have different width so I chose  
different column widths. If you want to stretch the items less space  
side by side and want to add the "totalwidth=\linewidth," option,  
then you should adjust (diminish) the individual column widths  

The example above is trying to adjust itself, so flexible dimensions  
allow it to fit into approximately \linewidth. (And maybe rounding  
errors are helping, too.)

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


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