[OS X TeX] TL09 and -eps-converted-to.pdf
Daniel Becker
daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Fri Dec 4 12:07:31 EST 2009
Am 04.12.2009 um 17:35 schrieb Themis Matsoukas:
> I updated to TL 2009 and and I noticed that the eps-to-pdf conversion is now different. I save my graphs as eps (e.g. fig1.eps), invoke the graphic using \includegraphics{fig1}, and use epstopdf to do the conversion as needed. If the file fig1.pdf does not exist, TL2009 creates a new file with the name fig1-eps-converted-to.pdf (instead of fig1.pdf, in TL08), and this file is apparently used in subsequent compilations. If I just drop fig1.eps on texshop, then I get a file with the name fig1.pdf; if this file is present, TL09 uses this file and does not generate a fig1-eps-converted-to.pdf. Why the two different names? This is not a problem as much an annoyance because I don't like the longer name (some of my graphics have rather long names to begin with).
If you don't like the (new) default, you could use
or simply add
\epstopdfsetup{suffix={}} to your preamble.
The idea was to avoid accidental overwriting of an already existing file foo.pdf if you are using foo.eps
Whether or not the pdf is updated or not, if you have both foo.eps and foo.pdf, is a complicated issue, see the epstopdf-Docu
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