[OS X TeX] Hyphen not available in gtamac optima

Nathan Paxton napaxton at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 31 11:17:44 EST 2009

	When I run LaTeX on my file, I get the following warning. The visible result is that hyphens (for word breaks, in tables, and so forth) don't show up in my sans-serif sections. Is there any manner by which I can get hyphens?

> pdfTeX warning: /usr/texbin/pdflatex (file /usr/local/texlive/2009/../texmf-loc
> al/fonts/truetype/gtamacfonts/optima/OptimaBold.ttf): glyph `hyphen.alt' not fo
> und

Nathan A. Paxton, Ph.D.
Dept. of Government, Harvard University

napaxton AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu
Stand up for hope, faith, love
But while I'm getting over certainty
Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady.

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