[OS X TeX] XeLaTeX from TeXShop

Thomas Käufl kaeufl at ira.uka.de
Fri Feb 6 15:31:44 EST 2009

Am 6. Feb 2009 um 17:41 schrieb Red Roo:

> On Fri Jan 16 17:50:51 CET 2009 Peter Vamos P.Vamos wrote:
> I tried running the XeLaTeX example from p. 54 of the above AMS  
> article with TeXShop 2.18, but it fails to find the Garamond  
> Premier Pro font. ...

the font Garamond Premier Pro is not contained in Mac OSX.
If you have not installed this font, the example will not
work. The same applies to the font Bickham.

Today, I tried this example too. I replaced Garamond by
Baskerville and Bickham by Zapfino.

So part of the preamble specifying the fonts looks like

\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Baskerville}%{Garamond Premier Pro}
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text, Scale=MatchLowercase}
\setsansfont{Lucida Grande}%{Helvetica Neue}

"Helvetica Neue" is the German name. Have a look in the font
book for the English name of Helvetica.

To see the Zapfino font in its full glory, try

{\Zap T}\\
{\Zap Th}\\
{\Zap Thi}\\
{\Zap This}\\
{\Zap This is Z}\\
{\Zap This is Za}\\
{\Zap This is Zap}\\
{\Zap This is Zapf}\\
{\Zap This is Zapfi}\\
{\Zap This is Zapfin}\\
{\Zap This is Zapfino.}

And don't use the command LaTeX. Use XeLaTeX instead.

Thomas Käufl

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