[OS X TeX] [ANN] TeX Live Utility 0.5

Daniel Becker daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Sun Jan 4 15:54:42 EST 2009


>>> 2009-01-04 19:08:30 +0100 Notice -[TLMPreferenceController  
>>> _canConnectToDefaultServer][1184]	no data from ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet/2008/
>> This tells me that after 30 seconds, no data was received from that  
>> URL.  I guess I can give the option to ignore the alert.

But I do not see that TLU is trying to reach the server for 30  
seconds. The message appears very shortly after a change of the server  
in the preferences.

>> The basic idea is to make sure the full URL is valid, because of  
>> the problem you encountered last time.  The only way to do that is  
>> to actually try and download the directory listing and check for an  
>> HTTP 200 response or nonzero data length for ftp.

I see.

> If I go to <ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/> in my Browser I  
> get an empty page so it seems that dante is having a problem.

Strange. I do not encounter any problem when I contact the server with  
an ftp-program (fetch). And it takes 2 or 3 seconds to display the  
list of files.


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