[OS X TeX] [ANN] TeX Live Utility 0.5

Maxwell, Adam R adam.maxwell at pnl.gov
Thu Jan 8 12:13:10 EST 2009

On 01/07/09 22:10, "Axel E. Retif" <axel.retif at mac.com> wrote:

> sudo tlmgr update bin-texlive texlive.infra
> sudo tlmgr update --all
>> By default, HOME is set to root's HOME, which is equivalent to using
>> sudo -H in Terminal.  If you want to run it with your home
>> directory, uncheck "Install updates for all users" in TLU preferences.
> Well... I know what I do is really unorthodox, but I keep my fonts
> (Lucida, Minion Pro) in ~/Library/texmf..., instead of /usr/local.../
> texmf-local, and anyway use updmap-sys (but without -H) to enable the
> map files, as if for all users. Sensible people in this list have
> pointed out the potential problems of that, but as I am the only user
> in my machines...

I can't say whether this is a good idea or bad...if I want a font that
doesn't come with MacTeX, I use xetex since life is too short to install
fonts for TeX :).
> Anyway, it is then a mystery to me why TLU sent said error in the
> laptop but the command line worked fine in the desktop.

TLU does the moral equivalent of sudo -H by default, and you didn't use -H
on the command line.  Wouldn't that explain it?


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