[OS X TeX] Lab Manual

David B. Thompson, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, CFM drdbthompson at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 09:16:19 EST 2009

On Jan 12, 2009, at 19:01 , Alan Litchfield wrote:

> Having said that, front covers may be done in page layout programs  
> such as
> InDesign, drawing programs such as Illustrator, image editing  
> programs such as
> Photoshop. The choice is largely up to the individual and the file  
> format that
> is required by the printer who is outputting the covers, or what  
> kind of look
> the cover designer is after.

Most of my major research reports (and now my consulting reports) have  
the covers done separately from the text. In the case of the research  
reports (sent out for printing/binding), we supply a PDF with the  
covers separate from the document. We print and bind the consulting  
reports internally. I request the artist provide me a PDF of the front  
and back cover and I use Acrobat to insert them and build the final  
PDF and I keep a copy of that for my personal library.

A copy of the PDF for the research reports is also housed at a couple  
of university libraries.

I don't know if this process works for others, but it is an option.


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