Fwd: [OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.20
Jung-Tsung Shen
jushen at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 17:27:34 EST 2009
People out there still using OS 10.4 might be interested to know the
following explanation from Dick.
On 1/26/09, Richard Koch <koch at math.uoregon.edu> wrote:
> Jung-Tsung,
> TeXShop 2.20 will work fine on system 10.4, modulo an important bug in the
> PDFKit which Apple fixed in system 10.5. TeXShop ran on 10.4 during the
> entire "lifetime" of that system, so users managed to exist with the bug.
> But now that it is fixed in Leopard ....
> The problem is that when you typeset, TeXShop needs to throw away the data
> for the old pdf file and load the new one. In system 10.4, throwing away the
> old data led to an enormous slowdown of TeXShop. TeXShop has a work around
> to trick the system into believing that this old data is still being used.
> As a result, the program is fast and displays the new pdf, but your memory
> is gradually reduced as you typeset over and over.
> TeXShop recognizes when it is running on 10.5, and disables the workaround;
> thus on Leopard your memory is not used up.
> Dick
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I have installed the
latest version, and it ran smoothly on OS 10.4.11.
Let me join others to thank you for the wonderful contributions.
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