[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.20

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Jan 28 11:23:50 EST 2009

On Jan 28, 2009, at 9:39 AM, Vincent Verfaille wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Thank you so much for this latest version of TeXshop. As an old user  
> of TeXshop (from almost the first release version), I always enjoy  
> each update, with its improvements and carefully chosen new features.
> I had a question to other TeXshop 2.20 users: did anyone notice a  
> significant decrease of performance concerning the editing of very  
> long files?
> Basically, I am using Beamer for a cours I am teaching; and since  
> Beamer 3.06 does not allow the use of \include{} commands, I am  
> forced to use a single and then very long file: about 12000 lines.
> While TeXshop versions up to 2.19 had no problem with long files,  
> version 2.20 is very (very very very) slow about editing.
> For instance to add a few words in the middle of the file, it took  
> almost 1 minute to see appearing the text of the 10 word sentence  
> that I just previously typed...
> I then temporarily switched back to an older version of TeXshop (as  
> the other editors I know of always had the same problem anyway ;-) ).
> Any help/information would be much appreciated.
> Best,
> Vincent


Just loaded the TeXBook source (1.3MB) and didn't notice any editing  
problems. I'm using Macbook Pro, 2GB RAM, OS X 10.5.6 and 12pt Monaco  
in the TeXShop Source Window.

I wonder if you have a Font Cache problem.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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