[OS X TeX] Re: Mini Toc

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 19:53:11 EDT 2009

On Jun 26, 2009, at 3:51 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote:

> Sorry about my post of three minutes ago: I had forgotten to place  
> \dominitoc before the
> 		\include{../Chapters-contents/\jobname}
> in the "control files"
> My only excuse is that it was 3:45 AM. But I was punished as I lost  
> an hour on this.

I don't know what I was on last night but, this evening, it is still  
not working properly. To save time and effort, I will first give a  
new improved and minimal version of my first post:

I have the following setup for a MagnumOpus text that consists of one  
included chapter called ONE. The setup allows me to typeset just one  
chapter---here ONE.

A. In the Chapters-contents Folder, I have a "contents file", ONE.tex

	%!TEX root = ../Chapters-controls/ONE.tex
	\chapter{ONE is odd}
		some text
		a little bit of text

B. In the Chapters-controls Folder, I have a "control file", ONE.tex


C. In the Text Folder, I have the master file, MagnumOpus.tex


--- When I typeset (three times) the master file MagnumOpus.tex, I  
get the mini toc in the chapter as expected.

--- When I typeset (either one of the two) ONE.tex, I get the pdf of  
the chapter as usual, that is without the mini toc (even though the  
mtc files are generated.)

Hopeful regards

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