[OS X TeX] Re: Mini Toc
Alain Schremmer
schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 16:47:14 EDT 2009
Minitoc is OK but the toc in each chapter takes a lot of room and
titletoc allows in-chapter tocs to be inline. It took me a few hours
to figure it out but here it is.
The following setup is for a MagnumOpus consisting of one included
chapter (here) called ONE and the setup is for also allowing
typesetting just one chapter---here ONE.
A. In the Chapters-contents Folder, I have any number of "contents
file", here ONE.tex
%!TEX root = ../Chapters-controls/ONE.tex
\chapter{Some Things}
\printcontents[chapters]{p-}{1}{}%The "p-" invokes the format for in-
chapter tocs
Some introductory text
\section{First Thing}
A little bit of text
\section{Second Thing}
A little bit more text
B. In the Chapters-controls Folder, I have a "control file" for each
"contents-file", here ONE.tex
\titlecontents{chapter}%Type of sectioning command
[6pc]%Indentation from the left margin. NOT AN OPTIONAL ARGUMENT
{%begin code to be executed before entry is typeset
\addvspace{1pc}%Vertical space
\bfseries%Affects the title
% \titlerule[2pt]
}%end code to be executed before entry is typeset
{%begin format numbered entries---in horizontal mode
\contentslabel%The number of the entry
\ %this slash puts a space between Chapter and number
{6pc}%Space between entry number and entry title
}%end format numbered entries---in horizontal mode
{%begin format numberless entries---in horizontal mode
}%end format numberless entries---in horizontal mode
{%begin dotted line and page number
}%end dotted line and page number
{\hspace{1em plus .4em minus .4em}}
\titlecontents*{p-section}%Type of sectioning command. The "p-"
reserves it for in-chapter tocs.
[0pt]%Indentation from the left margin. NOT AN OPTIONAL ARGUMENT
{%begin code to be executed before entry is typeset
}%end code to be executed before entry is typeset
{%begin format numbered entries---in horizontal mode
}%end format numberless entries---in horizontal mode
{%begin format numberless entries---in horizontal mode
}%end format numberless entries---in horizontal mode
{%begin dotted line and page number
, ~\thecontentspage
}%end dotted line and page number
% \textbullet%
% [%begin
% ]%end
C. In the Text Folder, I have the master file, MagnumOpus.tex, with
the same preamble as the control file(s):
%one \include for each contents-file
In reality, I have the preamble in a stylesheet where I also have
{%Begin definition
}%End definition
for the contents files.
(And I use \jobname in the control-files so that they are all the same.)
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