Rép : [OS X TeX] tkz-tab (Was: Missing $ inserted in a "variations" environment)

Alain Matthes alain.matthes at mac.com
Mon Mar 16 19:05:04 EDT 2009

Le lundi16mars2009 à 11:42PM, "Alain Schremmer" <schremmer.alain at gmail.com> a écrit :

>3) With just:
>	\usepackage{tikz}
>	\usepackage{tkz-tab}
>	\usepackage[upright]{fourier}
>	\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>	\usepackage{amsmath,fullpage}
>—The example from page 92 still works
>—The Sign-diagram with the same packages gives the error
>	! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/decoration'  
>and I am goin


with TikZ like pstricks, you need to use some librairies (modules)

when you have __ I do not know the key '/tikz/decoration' __

it's because you don't use 


with tkz-tab I use  : \usetikzlibrary{arrows,patterns}   but with the sign-diagram example
I put a big brace above the table and I need the decoration library to make this

Sorry for my bad english


Alain Matthes

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