[OS X TeX] set difference using TikZ and beamer

Alain Matthes alain.matthes at mac.com
Fri Mar 20 14:11:21 EDT 2009

Le 20 mars 09 à 18:54, Alain Matthes a écrit :

> Le 20 mars 09 à 18:22, Art Werschulz a écrit :
>> Hi.
>> I'm trying to do a slide that contains a Venn diagram and some  
>> commentary.  I found Til's Venn diagram example at
>> 	http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/venn-diagram
>> and I'm trying to somewhat blindly modify same.
>> Here's the code for such a page:
>> couic ...
>> Unfortunately, the diagram starts way too low on the page.  As a  
>> result, the last two lines of text don't appear on the slide.
>> Any ideas on how to fix?  Thanks.
> Hi,
>       \clip \circleA (-2,-2) rectangle (4,4);
> |
> |
> |----->      \clip \circleA (-2,-2) rectangle (4,2);

An interesting example :

% Animate a set intersection operation.
% Standalone version contributed by Alexander Grahn


% parameterized tikz graphics
   \def\setA{(0,0) circle (1)}%
   \def\setB{(#1,0) circle (1)}%
   % define the bounding box
   \def\boundb{(-2,2) rectangle (4,-2)}%
     \draw \boundb;
     % intersection
       \clip \setA;
       \fill[black!20] \setB;
     \begin{scope}[even odd rule]% first circle without the second
       \clip \setB \boundb;
       \fill[red!20] \setA;
     \begin{scope}[even odd rule]% first circle without the second
       \clip \setA \boundb;
       \fill[blue!20] \setB;
     \draw \setA;
     \draw \setB;
     \node at (-1,0) [left] {$A$};
     \node at (#1+1,0) [right] {$B$};
     \node at (4,2) [below left] {$A\cap B$};


   \frametitle{Set intersection}

       %first frame, xb=0.0
       \gdef\xb{0}% xb initial value
       %remaining frames, xb=0.1...2.1
       \whiledo{\lengthtest{\xb pt < 2.1pt}}{%
     	\FPeval{xb}{\xb+0.1}% new xb
		\xdef\xb{\xb}% make \xb global


Alain Matthes

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