[OS X TeX] options for simpdftex

Enrico Franconi franconi at inf.unibz.it
Mon Mar 23 20:20:06 EDT 2009

On 23 Mar 2009, at 23:11, Michael Sharpe wrote:

> Is there an option to simpdftex that can be set in the TeXShop  
> preferences that will pass through as an option to ps2pdf? I need to  
> run ps2pdf with option -dAutoRotatePages=/None to stop gs from being  
> too clever. (It appears that -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer would also have  
> that effect.) Or, do I have to specify a personal script?

You can use my modified version of simpdftex (attached), which allows  
for an additional parameter; this is how I use it:

simpdftex-1 latex --mode dvips --maxpfb --extratexopts '-synctex=1' -- 
distiller ps2pdf14 --distiller-opts '-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress' --tex- 
path /usr/texbin


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