[OS X TeX] A \url problem
Vic Norton
vic at norton.name
Sun Nov 1 23:16:15 EST 2009
On Nov 1, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Ross Moore wrote:
> So what packages *are* you loading?
> Is it just url.sty ?
> Or something else as well, or instead.
> Please show your complete LaTeX preamble, otherwise noone
> can reproduce the problems you are describing.
I'm sorry, Ross. I should have sent a complete test script.
OK, here it is, both ways: with
and without. Same problem either way.
(But \url{\pricedistURL} does not work for me.)
Again the two-line 5.0in-outputs point to
when the cursor is over the text of the fist line, but point to
when the cursor is just past the text of the first line
or over the text of the second line.
Here is a complete LaTeX test script.
%%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article}
% we have to change the font encoding for Lucida.
\usepackage{textcomp} % to get the right copyright, etc.
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % Better math support & more symbols
\usepackage{bm} % for boldfaced Greek
\usepackage{dsfont} % Mathematical doublestroke, e.g. $\mathds{R}$
% use Lucida fonts for both text and math.
\usepackage[altbullet]{lucidabr} % get larger bullet
\DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{hlh}{1} % including \oldstylenums
\usepackage{textcomp} % for special text symbols
\usepackage{verbatim} % for comment environment
\geometry{letterpaper, nohead,
hmargin={1.25in, 1.25in}, vmargin={1.15in, 1.15in},
\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with
an empty line
\setlength{\parskip}{2.0ex plus0.5ex minus0.2ex}
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