[OS X TeX] A \url problem

Vic Norton vic at norton.name
Wed Nov 4 09:14:12 EST 2009

Thanks, Ross. Your construct
    \hspace*{4.0ex}\vtop{\advance\hsize by -3.6cm
does not work for me. It behaves just like my constructs. A click on  
the top line takes you to

This proves it: there must be something wrong with my system. Maybe,  
when I install MacTeX-2009, the problem will go away.



On Nov 4, 2009, at 1:22 AM, Ross Moore wrote:

> Hi Victor,
> On 04/11/2009, at 4:06 PM, Ross Moore wrote:
>>>>> I'd like to put the URL below this statement, but indented a bit.
>>>>> Unfortunately the URL splits in an ugly way, and it no longer  
>>>>> works
>>>>> properly. The top goes nowhere; only the ``cvs'' part takes you  
>>>>> where
>>>>> you are supposed to go.\\
>>>>> \hspace*{4.0ex}{\hspace*{4.0ex}\vtop{\advance\hsize by -3.6cm
>>>>> \url{http://vic.norton.name/finance-math/notionportf/ 
>>>>> pricedistrib.csv}}
> Sorry. This is meant to be:
> \hspace*{4.0ex}\vtop{\advance\hsize by -3.6cm
> \url{http://vic.norton.name/finance-math/notionportf/ 
> pricedistrib.csv}}
> Hope this helps,
> 	Ross
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ross Moore                                       ross at maths.mq.edu.au
> Mathematics Department                           office: E7A-419
> Macquarie University                             tel: +61 (0)2 9850  
> 8955
> Sydney, Australia  2109                          fax: +61 (0)2 9850  
> 8114
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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