[OS X TeX] Re : LaTeX output on a weblog

Juergen Fenn juergen.fenn at GMX.DE
Sat Nov 14 05:51:10 EST 2009

ewan.Delanoy at math.unicaen.fr schrieb:

>> 2) Why not pdf?
>   Because it's easier for the blog reader to see the whole mathematical
> text all
> at once instead of having to click and wait to see a separate mathematical
> content.

How about MathML? TeX4ht can output this. Don't know, however, whether
there is a blogging software that can handle it. Another way would be to
include formulae as graphics.

>> 3) How about phpmathpublisher for inserting mathematics in html?
>> 4)  I am using WordPress for the blog on http://www.freemathtexts.org,
> a rather small domain.
>   Do you have to pay a monthly fee to own that domain ? Both
> phpmathpublisher and Wordpress need to be installed in "online
> directories"  and (again, correct
> me if I'm mistaken) this is not possible in free "blogspots".

First, you asked about blogspot.com. That's the free blogging service of
Google, and I have not heard about a way to use LaTeX there directly
yet, although I do not want to rule that out.

Then, of course, there is a plugin for Wordpress to publish LaTeX in blogs:


I've just tried it out with the formula they provided there, and it works:


I'll leave that test page on the air for a while.

So, you can get this feature for free at a wordpress.com blog. It
probably won't be perfect, but it works for basic formula support at
least, as far as I can see.


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