[OS X TeX] Why does this hang so = [OT] electronic books

William Adams will.adams at frycomm.com
Tue Oct 27 07:14:16 EDT 2009

On Oct 25, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> In their interest you should publish your heavy opus electronically  
> and weightless as ebook. But be kind: not for Kindle/Amazon. This  
> hardware only supports a single format, which no other ebook  
> understands (sounds like M$).

Actually, Amazon bought Mobipocket and their DRM format is  
Mobipocket's, but one can put other files on a Kindle (and w/o sending  
them through Amazon, just takes the effort of cabling the machine up  
and transfering the file). Most notably the DX will also accept .pdfs

> (A few km south of my home is Frankfurt am Main. A week ago the last  
> book fair, a global event, ended. Ebooks were presented as ready for  
> business. I don't recall what was told about their usability  
> though...)

ebooks have been available for decades now (given the topic of the  
list, mentioning the Voyager ebooks intended for the first generation  
Powerbook Mac laptops), and are finally becoming big business.

Delivering technical material, esp. w/ equations is problematic,  
though people are sort of doing it w/ the hardware-agnostic .epub  


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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