[OS X TeX] Syntax coloring of .dtx files

Vincent Verfaille vvvvlists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 06:12:12 EDT 2009

Hi Brian and folks,

On 31-Aug-09, at 7:27 PM, Brian Koontz wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 07:08:41PM -0400, Vincent Verfaille wrote:
>> Would any of you know by chance an editor (or better: an extension to
>> TeXshop) that allows to see a .dtx file with proper syntax
>> highlighting (for instance with a slightly different background for
>> the documentation code), or any other tricks that helps to make the
>> edition process lighter/simpler?
> Vim works well for me.

Thanks :-). Indeed, MacVim (http://code.google.com/p/macvim/) is nice  
and efficient to color .dtx files.

I guess that writing .dtx files is not a concern for most of TeX  
users, so I did not expect this syntax coloring functionality to exist  
for most editors... But I am willing to be surprised :-)



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