[OS X TeX] Font cache problems with XeLaTeX under Snow Leopard

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Sat Sep 26 05:30:37 EDT 2009

On  25 Sep, 2009, at 10:30, J. McKenzie Alexander wrote:

> After upgrading to Snow Leopard, I'm encountering what appear to be  
> problems with the Mac OS X font cache. At least I think that's what  
> the problem is, since I've never seen this behaviour before.
> Consider the following minimal sample file, which must be run  
> through XeLaTeX:
> 	\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article}
> 	\usepackage[]{fontspec}
> 	\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
> 	\setmainfont{Book Antiqua}
> 	\begin{document}
> 	This should appear in normal size.
> 	{\fontspec[SizeFeatures={Size={32}}]{Book Antiqua}{This should be  
> big.}}
> 	\end{document}
> When I run that through XeLaTeX, the line which says "This should be  
> big." appears at the same size as the previous line.  However, if I  
> edit the \fontspec command so that it says
> 	{\fontspec[SizeFeatures={Size={32}}]{Garamond}{This should be big.}}
> instead, the second line appears big, as it should.

I bet that if you change your font in \setmainfont{...} to anything  
else, then your line

> {\fontspec[SizeFeatures={Size={32}}]{Book Antiqua}{This should be  
> big.}}

will produce a 32pt Book Antiqua text. I don't know why.



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