[OS X TeX] htlatex/gs trouble

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Sep 29 04:54:02 EDT 2009

Am 28.09.2009 um 10:59 schrieb Jan Hegewald:

> There were two problems with my htlatex run:
> - htlatex does not seem to recognize \graphicspath, which is very  
> annoying.

Maybe you are defining it for the wrong graphics files... There is  
also a safety option in dvips which prevents it from searching paths  
above the current file's directory. The option -R0 switches this  
behaviour off.

> If anyone knows a good manual for htlatex/tex4ht or a solution for  
> this path settings, please tell me (-:

http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn.html ?

> - if there are multipme formats of a graphic file (e.g. pdf and  
> jpg), htlatex tries to include the pdf in the dvi.

Maybe you provoke this irregular behaviour... I never experienced  
this, I was annoyed that tex4ht always was preferring bit-mapped files.

You can consider to load the ifpdf package and sort things out like:

	    <statements when producing PDF directly>
	    <statements when producing DVI output>

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


There's something the technicians need to learn from the artists. If  
it isn't aesthetically pleasing, it's probably wrong.

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