[OS X TeX] elsarticle

Themis Matsoukas matsoukas at engr.psu.edu
Wed Sep 30 19:52:23 EDT 2009

This could be a bug in elsarticle.cls (in which case I apologize for  
the OT nature of the question), or maybe there is a latex way around  
it. The problem: I need to print an underscore inside a custom command  
(\ead{}) of elsarticle.cls, the Elsevier latex package (for those  
interested, \ead{} prints the author's email address and my co- 
author's address has an underscore). I tried the following and they   

1. \ead{ ... \url{_} ... }
2. \ead{ ... \_ ...}

#1 generated errors in compilation; #2 compiled but instead of an  
underscore I got the strange sequence  "_ _11_". Are there other ways  
force an underscore?

Here is a minimal example (to see the problem you need to look at the  
bottom of the pdf page that is generated):

\author{John Doe}\ead{x\_xz at whatever.com}


Themis Matsoukas
matsoukas at engr.psu.edu

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