[OS X TeX] Can someone please test this?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Apr 8 19:21:12 EDT 2010

Am 08.04.2010 um 22:57 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

>> BTW, Herb, you could write the ENGINE file also this way:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> export LTMKEDIT="$HOME/Library/TeXShop/bin"
>> export    TSBIN="$LTMKEDIT/tslatexmk"
>> export  LTMKBIN="$LTMKEDIT/tslatexmk"
>> # make sure latexmkrcedit exists in bin
>> if [ ! -e "${LTMKEDIT}/latexmkrcedit" ] ; then
>> 	cp "${LTMKBIN}/latexmkrcDONTedit" "${LTMKEDIT}/latexmkrcedit"
>> fi
>> "${LTMKBIN}"/latexmk -pdf -r "${LTMKEDIT}/latexmkrcedit" -r "$ 
>> {TSBIN}/asymkrc" "$1"
> What did you change here?

Lines #2-4. They were before:

	export TSBIN="$HOME/Library/TeXShop/bin/tslatexmk"
	export LTMKBIN="$HOME/Library/TeXShop/bin/tslatexmk"
	export LTMKEDIT="$HOME/Library/TeXShop/bin"

> That can certainly be easily done by putting an echo line in the new  
> engine file. The lack of any kind of feedback from asy certainly is  
> a bit disconcerting but the ``dancing'' files on my desktop as it  
> runs keeps me amused.

I see something similar in GNU Emacs' dired buffer...

I wanted to make the ENGINE script, now that I know how easy it is to  
change it, produce in TeXShop's console window something like this:

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It works in Terminal, but not in TeXShop! It's console "background" is  
not "ANSI aware," i.e., it does not execute the ANSI escape codes to  
change some text properties (and do more things). Anyway, here is my  
code. Please notice that I changed the two "no" into two "now!" (And  
for beauty reasons reduced --- to --.)

	export LTMKEDIT="$HOME/Library/TeXShop/bin"
	export    TSBIN="$LTMKEDIT/tslatexmk"
	export  LTMKBIN="$LTMKEDIT/tslatexmk"
	# make sure latexmkrcedit exists in bin
	if [ ! -e "${LTMKEDIT}/latexmkrcedit" ] ; then
		cp "${LTMKBIN}/latexmkrcDONTedit" "${LTMKEDIT}/latexmkrcedit"
	export basefname="`basename "$1" .tex`"
	pdflatex --shell-escape --synctex=1 --file-line-error "$1"
	if [ -e "${basefname}".asy ] ; then
	   echo -en "\n\e[40m\e[1;36m  asy is now running -- this may take  
some time...  \e[0m"
	   asy "${basefname}".asy
	   echo -en "\n \e[42m\e[1;30m  asy is done, now starting final  
pdflatexmk run  \e[0m\n"
	   "${LTMKBIN}"/latexmk -pdf -r "${LTMKEDIT}/latexmkrcedit" -r "$ 
{TSBIN}/pdflatexmkrc" "$1"



I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've  
always worked for me.
				? Hunter S. Thompson

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