[OS X TeX] Where does TeX look for files?

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 21:49:12 EDT 2010

On Apr 18, 2010, at 9:12 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> Just for my information... why not just put the sty files in the  
> texmf tree rather than scatter them around who knows where?

I bet you are going to regret having asked the question before you  
are done with this cockamamy stuff.

Gleeful regards

I use style files for a lot of things and I need to change them very  
often and I need to back them up along with the rest in the folder  
RAFv4 where they all are in a folder called ... StyleSheets.

Here is an example:

I am use arrayjob to keep a list of "checkable items" for each  
chapter. Here is how it works

First, say for Chapter VIII, in the folder RAFv4- 
CheckableItemsListsV1-1, I have 381.sty:

\readarray{CCCLXXXI}%Affine Functions: Local Analysis
{%begin array
Gvn Glob I-O Rule, LocRule nr $\infty$--->
Gvn Glob I-O Rule, LocGraph nr $\infty$
}%end array

Then, in the folder CheckableItems-contents, I have file 381:

%!TEX root = ../CheckableItems-controls/\jobname.tex
	%Row			Chapter VIII
		&	\textbf{Affine Functions: Loc Analysis}
	%Row			Chapter VIII
		&	1
		&	\CCCLXXXI(1)
		&	\checkmark
		&	\checkmark
	%Row			Chapter VIII
		&	2
		&	\CCCLXXXI(2)
		&	\checkmark
		&	\checkmark
	%Row			Chapter VIII
		&	50
		&	\CCCLXXXI(50)

which, together with file 381 in folder CheckableItems-controls:

	\usepackage{arrayjob}%	calc
% ssssssssss
		&	File
		&	Description
		&	Qz
		&	Hw
		&	Rt
		&	Rs
		&	Ex
		&	File
		&	Description
		&	Qz
		&	Hw
		&	Rt
		&	Rs
		&	Ex
		\multicolumn{8}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}


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By the way, the reason arrayjob.sty has to be in each control file  
instead of together with the other packages is that it is  
incompatible with



so that the rest of the magnum opus should not see it.

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