Finding the Wiki (was: Re: [OS X TeX] Tex to rtf converter)
cfrees at
cfrees at
Fri Aug 6 16:11:37 EDT 2010
On Fri 6th Aug, 2010 at 20:41, Peter Dyballa seems to have written:
> Am 06.08.2010 um 18:20 schrieb <cfrees at> <cfrees at>:
>> For example, they'd need to be sorted at least in terms of where they
>> belong (package file? preamble? main document? bibtex file?); the engine(s)
>> and/or format(s) they need; and purpose. Maybe also by package used, at
>> least for major packages. More?
> *Commented* source, even heavily commented source. TeX isn't COBOL or Elisp
> and only vaguely British. And it needs different indentation (for me it's
> really hard to see a connection to TeX in the examples, the many backslashes
> could also belong into an MS-DOS BATch file).
Sorry. You've lost me. I take it you're saying the code snippets need
comments. That certainly sounds like a good point. I don't know
anything about COBOL or Elisp although I have heard of them and do know
they are not the same thing as TeX. Similarly for electric kettles, y
Mari Llwyd and tin baths :). As for it being "only vaguely British", I'm
not clear what your point is or, indeed, why TeX would be considered
(even) "vaguely British". TeX needs different indentation from what?
COBOL, Elisp and things more definitely British? I'm not sure either
what you're thinking about the link with TeX. Is your thought that
the particular examples posted used LaTeX rather than plain TeX?
There's no reason code snippets couldn't include plain TeX examples,
too, is there? But they would still include backslashes, wouldn't they?
[End deluge of questions.]
> And when the code is taken from other persons we need their OK for
> (re-)publication. And that of the publications which made them public first.
> (Well, in China we wouldn't take care of IP, the intellectual property.)
Yes. Like everything else on the wiki, people posting would be expected
to post only examples they were entitled to post. Perhaps, though, the
thought is that the issue might be more pressing here because many of
us may have only the very vaguest of ideas about where code we use came
from originally, especially if we have since tinkered, mixed and
mangled it.
> The author should be mentioned, the purpose of the code, where it was used,
> the date of its creation, the date of possible first publication and where.
> It's probably best to organise the snippets in an SQL database which should
> also offer a text search inside the code examples.
You mean integrate a database into the wiki? I don't know anything
about databases so I wouldn't know what's possible.
- cfr
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